School NewsAug 21, 2022

更新 Aug 27, 2024

詹姆斯·K. Ervin Tennis Complex

Support Miss Hall’s athletics, promote girls’ wellbeing, and honor a dedicated teacher and friend to so many

Jim Ervin had a dream: to create tennis courts at Miss Hall’s worthy of the promise of athletics for the wellbeing of girls.

现在, with the blessing of his family, we are excited to prioritize this project and honor memories from his three decades of service to Miss Hall's — not only inside the math classroom, but also as a coach, geology teacher, Assistant Head of School, 和导师.

More than $900,000 has been raised toward the $1.1M cost of building the 詹姆斯·K. Ervin Tennis Complex! Our Tennis Team was able to play their 2023 season on the courts, and a lively pickleball culture has emerged at MHS! Still to come: tasteful landscaping and much-needed parking to accommodate spectators and beyond.

Gifts of all sizes are warmly welcomed and will be acknowledged in the School’s Annual Report and to Mr. Ervin’s family. In addition:

  • Contributions of $1,000 or more will be recognized on a dedicatory plaque
  • Gifts of $5000 or more will be distinguished as Champions of this initiative
  • Donors of $10,000 or more will be recognized as Leaders in the Be Bold Campaign that will go public this fall
  • Gifts of $100,000 or more can be recognized in the naming of individual courts

Please reach out to for more information.

With high expectations, boundless encouragement, and a commitment to access and 支持 for all students, Jim Ervin believed that the transformation of students’ lives should be grounded in warmth, 支持, and respect. Many members of our 社区 remembered him fondly when he passed away in March, 2022.

Mr. Ervin believed passionately in the power of tennis to build friendships, 社区, 团队合作, a sense of personal achievement, and mental fortitude for all who play.

At Miss Hall’s, girl-centered athletics are powerful and life-enhancing. Participation in sports builds confidence, 弹性, and determination — the hallmarks of all Miss Hall’s graduates.

Any student can learn tennis, even with no prior experience or athletic ability, making it exceedingly accessible. In fact, tennis has been a fixture at MHS since the first courts were built in 1926.

Integral to the Master Plan and the future of a sustainable Miss Hall’s, the 詹姆斯·K. Ervin Tennis Complex will feature state-of-the-art courts.

Your contribution will keep Miss Hall’s students healthy, athletics competitive, and our campus vibrant.

Donors to the Project

Ms. 丽莎J. Alberti ’73
夫人. 朱迪斯·K. Anderson ’88
夫人. 南希·克. 奥尔特73
夫人. Kirby Barit-Niven ’72
西尔维娅C. Bornholt '88
夫人. 帕梅拉·T. Burkland ’72
Ms. Bonnie Campbell-Perkins ’57
夫人. Susan Chollet ’62
Anna Clancy
Ms. Diane Cleary
Merritt Colaizzi
夫人. 苏珊H. 科尔文72
Alexi Grenadier Conine ’92
夫人. Mette Coughlin ’88
Ms. 佩奇米. 87年秘密
苏珊D. and Edmund L. 丹娜
Ms. Kate Dahmen ’88
Ms. 薇罗尼卡C. de La Bruyere ’75
Anne Eckardt Demas ’75
Barbara Thatcher Donaldson ’72
Lee Dubin ’71
Jennifer Vitale Dueble ’90
Gretchen Royle Evans ’88
Ms. 堡我. 芬顿89
Ms. 凯萨琳C. 格拉夫62
Beth Welch Gustafson ’88
Ms. Becca 的座谈会 ’89
Dr. 和夫人. 威廉L. 的座谈会
Joan Harring
Ms. 劳拉·H. 哈里斯74年
Kate Haviland
茱莉亚N. Heaton P’24
Fletcher Hodges (Chantel ’52+)
Betsy Holtzinger
Nancy Van Vleck Housel ’72
Ms. 杨晨G. 87年霍华德
Jennifer Wadman Hudson '90
夫人. Stephanie L. Kadnar 90
Miss Carolyn D. Kitchel ’89
Ms. Alice Wallis 基特里奇
夫人. Caroline 基特里奇 ’77
Christopher J. 基特里奇
The John and Judith 基特里奇 Fund
The Judith H. 基特里奇 Irrevocable Trust
Martha Jane 基特里奇
Ms. 安C. Landenberger ’72
Elizabeth Rose 基特里奇 Lovett
Isabelle 基特里奇 Lovett
夫人. 阿曼达·R. Marinell ’89
Ms. Jennifer Martin ’72
Lynn Steppacher Martin ’71
Pamela First Martin ’88
Loulie Safe Mauran ’52
Paula Leuchs Moats McNay ’72
Dr. Cheryl Mitchell
Constance and John Montgomery
夫人. Patricia Moynahan
Ms. Debbie Neal ’72
The Olver family - John, Rose, and Martha ’88
艾米丽E. 佩恩89
Ms. Hilary Prouty ’62
Ms. Rebecca Rice ’72
Ms. 萨拉米. 丰富的93年
Ms. Kimberlee Rios ’93
夫人. Wendy Robbins ’87, in honor of 夫人. 玛格丽特·H. Robbins ’59
夫人. Marietta Rose ’93
Martha Rowley
Ingrid Royle Maclean '90
Tish Andresen Slattery '89
夫人. Daniel Soloway ’88
Dr. 斯泰西K. Sotirhos ’89
Jennifer Perkins Speers ’71
Byron and Lee Hill Stookey
凯瑟琳·E. Stookey
Sarah Stookey
伊丽莎白D. Strawbridge '89
夫人. Elizabeth Clarke Sweeney ’88
夫人. Kristine K. Vallandingham ’94
Diederik van Renesse
Elizabeth 威尔士
Jonathan C. 威尔士
Steve and Judy 威尔士
Stu and Karen 威尔士
Pamela Walker
Amy Church Wood ’89
夫人. Cornelia Woods ’89
夫人. 罗宾B. 伍兹的58
瑞秋H. Ziemba 89
林恩K. Zuckerman ’88

Please write Tennis in the comments box to make sure your gift is properly designated. Thank you in advance for your contribution!